Pamela Gianinazzi

PartnerSwiss Bar Association Inheritance Law Certified Specialist Lawyer and Public Notary

Education and experience


Title of ‘Swiss Bar Association Certified Specialist” in Inheritance Law.
Since 2021
Secretary of the Notary Disciplinary Commission
Since 2015
Founding partner of Cavadini Steger Gianinazzi Maffi
Lecturer in law for finance and accounting specialists degree
Certified public notary in the Canton of Ticino
Deputy Judge at the District Court of Lugano, Section 6 (Family Law) and independent lawyer/ public notary
Notary trainee at the Land Registry Office in Mendrisio and at the Register of Commerce in Lugano
Admission to the Bar Association of the Canton of Ticino
Legal and notary trainee at a leading law firm in Lugano
Legal trainee at the District Court of Mendrisio-Nord
University of Basel, lic. iur. (magna cum laude)

Areas of activity

— Inheritance law (estate planning, wills, contracts of inheritance, counselling, estate divisions)
— Last Wills Executor
— Notary activities (real estate law, company law)
— Matrimonial law and concubinage
— Contract Law
— Alternative dispute resolution

Spoken Languages

— Italian
— German
— French
— English

— Contact— Connect

Formazione ed esperienze

2022 Conseguimento del titolo di “Avvocato specialista FSA Diritto ereditario”

Dal 2021 Segretaria della Commissione di disciplina notarile

Dal 2015 Partner fondatore Cavadini Steger Gianinazzi Maffi

2015-2017 Docente di diritto per i corsi di perfezionamento professionale cantonali per i candidati al diploma di specialisti in finanza e contabilità

2013 – Brevetto di pubblico notaio del Cantone Ticino

2012-2015 Segretario assessore presso Pretura di Lugano, Sezione 6 (Diritto matrimoniale) e avvocato/notaio indipendente con studio proprio

2009 – Pratica notarile presso Ufficio del Registro fondiario di Mendrisio e Ufficio del Registro di commercio a Lugano

2009 Ammissione all’albo degli avvocati del Cantone Ticino

2007-2009 – Pratica legale e notarile presso primario studio legale e notarile di Lugano

2006-2007 Pratica legale presso Pretura di Mendrisio-Nord

2006 – Laurea in diritto Università di Basilea, lic. iur. (magna cum laude)

Our Firm


A team of professionals capable of transforming legal complexities in civil, commercial, criminal and notarial matters into rapid and concrete solutions.

— Firm presentation— Lawyers— Contact us

Law Firm

M&A and corporate law
Contracts law
Intellectual Property
Sport & Entertainment

— Legal activities

Public Notary Firm

Real Estate Matters
Company and Corporate Law Matters
Wills and Inheritance Planning
Marital Agreements
Notary Legalizations

— Notarial activity

Lo studio

A team of professionals capable of transforming legal complexities in civil, commercial, criminal and notarial matters into rapid and concrete solutions.


Law Firm

M&A and corporate law
Contracts law
Intellectual Property
Sport & Entertainment

— Legal activities

Public Notary Firm

Real Estate Matters
Company and Corporate Law Matters
Wills and Inheritance Planning
Marital Agreements
Notary Legalizations

— Notarial activity

Law Firm

M&A and corporate law
Contracts law
Intellectual Property
Sport & Entertainment

— Legal activities

Public Notary Firm

Real Estate Matters
Company and Corporate Law Matters
Wills and Inheritance Planning
Marital Agreements
Notary Legalizations

— Notarial activity